G Therapy FAQ
G Therapy information videos in English and Hindi
1. What is G Therapy?
G Therapy is a combination treatment of homeopathic and biochemic remedies for a range of conditions including Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Mental Subnormalities, Neuropathies, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. The ingredients of G Therapy are pharmacopeia-approved homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is generally accepted to be a safe system of medicine without the risk of adverse side-effects.
2. What are steps in getting an Appointment?
Since travel is difficult right now because of the coronavirus pandemic, we are also happy to help you with telemedicine via an online consultation.
For a consultation, please email at [email protected] with the following medical reports of the patient. We will evaluate the reports and schedule an appointment for you:
All available current information about the patient - i.e. photocopies of medical reports, latest Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy (OT, PT) evaluation, paediatric and neurological evaluation, latest Electroencephalogram - EEG (preferably) with neurologists report and advice on EEG.
Video of fully dressed patient (clearly showing hands and legs) of 1) daily activities like walking, crawling, standing, eating, grip, etc 2) response to call, 3) speech, 4) video during OT, PT. 5) close ups of face, hands, legs, 6) parents interview about present condition of the patient.
Other information including list of present medications, list of any allergies, birth history and present complaints, list of previous therapies tried, your address and home and mobile telephone numbers
3. What are past results with G Therapy?
G Therapy has shown significant positive improvements in a range of neurological and developmental conditions over the last 17 plus years. Over 70% of patients respond positively to G Therapy. No adverse side effects have been noted over these years. You can interact with other interested parents etc on the Dr. Oswal Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Dr-Oswal-G-Therapy/343664398310?ref=ts.
G Therapy reviews can be found on this page: https://www.autismtreatmentindia.com/droswalgtherapyreviews.html
G Therapy is a combination treatment of homeopathic and biochemic remedies for a range of conditions including Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Mental Subnormalities, Neuropathies, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. The ingredients of G Therapy are pharmacopeia-approved homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is generally accepted to be a safe system of medicine without the risk of adverse side-effects.
2. What are steps in getting an Appointment?
Since travel is difficult right now because of the coronavirus pandemic, we are also happy to help you with telemedicine via an online consultation.
For a consultation, please email at [email protected] with the following medical reports of the patient. We will evaluate the reports and schedule an appointment for you:
All available current information about the patient - i.e. photocopies of medical reports, latest Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy (OT, PT) evaluation, paediatric and neurological evaluation, latest Electroencephalogram - EEG (preferably) with neurologists report and advice on EEG.
Video of fully dressed patient (clearly showing hands and legs) of 1) daily activities like walking, crawling, standing, eating, grip, etc 2) response to call, 3) speech, 4) video during OT, PT. 5) close ups of face, hands, legs, 6) parents interview about present condition of the patient.
Other information including list of present medications, list of any allergies, birth history and present complaints, list of previous therapies tried, your address and home and mobile telephone numbers
3. What are past results with G Therapy?
G Therapy has shown significant positive improvements in a range of neurological and developmental conditions over the last 17 plus years. Over 70% of patients respond positively to G Therapy. No adverse side effects have been noted over these years. You can interact with other interested parents etc on the Dr. Oswal Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Dr-Oswal-G-Therapy/343664398310?ref=ts.
G Therapy reviews can be found on this page: https://www.autismtreatmentindia.com/droswalgtherapyreviews.html