Improvements seen in 1000+ ADHD cases in Understanding, Attention-span, Concentration, Speech, Learning, Hyperactivity and Quality of Life
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ADHD case studies
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobehavioral childhood disorder that can continue through adolescence and adulthood and is characterized by difficulties in staying focused and being attentive, hyperactivity, etc.
G Therapy has shown positive effects in a several cases in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity. Changes in patients after G Therapy treatment for hyperactivity include improvements in attention span, concentration, speech, learning, reduction in hyperactivity, etc.
Patients come from over 40 countries including India, USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Malaysia, Nigeria, China, etc.
G Therapy (NeuroG) Medicine has been developed by Dr. Gunvant Oswal and Dr. Pooja Upasani and is a combination of pharmacopeia approved homeopathic remedies which draws insights from the principles of Ayurveda and Neurophysiology. Based on the homeopathic system of medicine, it is inherently safe.
G Therapy has shown positive effects in a several cases in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity. Changes in patients after G Therapy treatment for hyperactivity include improvements in attention span, concentration, speech, learning, reduction in hyperactivity, etc.
Patients come from over 40 countries including India, USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Malaysia, Nigeria, China, etc.
G Therapy (NeuroG) Medicine has been developed by Dr. Gunvant Oswal and Dr. Pooja Upasani and is a combination of pharmacopeia approved homeopathic remedies which draws insights from the principles of Ayurveda and Neurophysiology. Based on the homeopathic system of medicine, it is inherently safe.
Reduction in hyperactivity with G Therapy (NeuroG) Medicine statistics
G Therapy (NeuroG) Medicine is a combination of pharmacopeia-approved homeopathic and biochemic remedies