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20000+ Autism, CP & Neurology Cases Helped With Evidence-Based G Therapy
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G Therapy Review Videos
Dr. Oswal and G Therapy
- We at the Center for Life Sciences, Health and Medicine in Pune, India are one of the World's Largest Integrative Medicine Centers for neurological conditions
- Our G Therapy treatment has shown documented improvements in 20000+ cases in Neurological Conditions including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, ADHD, Learning DIsabilities, Stroke, SSPE, etc
- G Therapy is a science-backed program of a combination of pharmacopeia approved Homeopathic and Biochemic remedies with Ayurvedic lifestyle practices. It draws insights from Neurophysiology
- We have helped patients from over 50 countries including the US, United Kingdom, UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, South Africa, Mexico, Italy, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Australia, India etc
- G Therapy has been developed over 30 years research by Dr. Gunvant Oswal and Dr. Pooja Upasani
- Our research has been presented in the International Media and at leading Medical Conferences
- Recovery seen in over 70% cases in Understanding, Movement, Speech, Behavior, Life-quality, etc
- No adverse side effects seen
- The homeopathic and biochemic remedies in G Therapy act at a Nano Medicine Level bringing effective recovery
- We have documented evidence of clinical improvements and/or in EEG and NCV studies
- Our mission is the Service of Humanity
- All videos and case studies made with Due Consents
- Our G Therapy treatment has shown documented improvements in 20000+ cases in Neurological Conditions including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, ADHD, Learning DIsabilities, Stroke, SSPE, etc
- G Therapy is a science-backed program of a combination of pharmacopeia approved Homeopathic and Biochemic remedies with Ayurvedic lifestyle practices. It draws insights from Neurophysiology
- We have helped patients from over 50 countries including the US, United Kingdom, UAE, Turkey, Indonesia, South Africa, Mexico, Italy, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Australia, India etc
- G Therapy has been developed over 30 years research by Dr. Gunvant Oswal and Dr. Pooja Upasani
- Our research has been presented in the International Media and at leading Medical Conferences
- Recovery seen in over 70% cases in Understanding, Movement, Speech, Behavior, Life-quality, etc
- No adverse side effects seen
- The homeopathic and biochemic remedies in G Therapy act at a Nano Medicine Level bringing effective recovery
- We have documented evidence of clinical improvements and/or in EEG and NCV studies
- Our mission is the Service of Humanity
- All videos and case studies made with Due Consents
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